Course curriculum

  • 01

    Lesson 1 - Trip / Mount Control

    • Trip

    • Mount control

    • Mount strike to keylock or twisting arm control

    • Twisting arm control to take the back

  • 02

    Lesson 2 - Bear Hug / Mount Attacks

  • 03

    Lesson 3 - Take downs / Mount attacks

    • Trip, hip throw, bear hug

    • Counter elbow escape to collar choke

    • Counter Elbow Escape to Armbar

    • Twisting arm control to take the back

  • 04

    Lesson 4 - Punch Block / Back Attacks

    • Punch Block To Hip Throw Or Trip

    • Rear naked choke

    • Collar choke from the back

    • Backpack Drill

  • 05

    Lesson 5 - Rear choke defense / Guard Self-Defense

    • Rear choke defense to throw

    • Clinch From The Guard

    • Shin In Control

    • Shin In Control To Re Wrap Or Feet On Hips

  • 06

    Lesson 6 - Guillotine Defense / Guard Self-Defense

    • Guillotine defense from standing

    • Defend 2 Hand Choke From The Guard

    • Sweep When Opponent Hugs The Head In The Guard

  • 07

    Lesson 7 - Guillotine Defense / Guard Submissions

    • Guillotine defense from the guard

    • Triangle to armbar

    • Triangle

  • 08

    Lesson 8 - Cross Choke and Kimura from the Guard

    • Jab To Double Leg

    • Cross collar choke from the guard

    • Kimura from the guard

  • 09

    Lesson 9 - Arm Bar from the Guard

    • Pisao kick

    • Armbar from the guard with the frame

    • Armbar hooking the leg

    • Armbar sweep from the guard

  • 10

    Lesson 10 - Rear Bear Hug Defense /Standing Sweeps

    • Balloon sweep

    • Double ankle sweep

    • Push pull sweep

  • 11

    Lesson 11 - Double Leg Prevention / Foot Lock Defense

    • Blocking the double leg with the hands

    • Finishing the footlock

    • Footlock Defense

  • 12

    Lesson 12- Headlock escapes / Escaping the side mount

    • Healock Escape Hooking The Leg

    • Headlock Escape Turning To The Knees

    • Replace guard by pushing on the hip

    • Replacing the guard when the person tries to scoop your neck

  • 13

    Lesson 13 - Counter punch to rear take down / Side mount escapes

    • Elbow escape from side mount

    • Counter straight punch to rear takedown

    • Bump from side mount

    • Headlock escape with frame from side mount

  • 14

    Lesson 13 - Mount Self Defense Survival And Escapes

    • Bear hug under the arms from the back defense

    • Self Defense Bump And Roll Hugging The Head

    • Self Defense Bump And Roll

    • Elbow escape for self defense

  • 15

    Lesson 14 - Guillotine / Mount Elbow Escape And Variations

    • Guillotine choke standing and in the guard

    • Backdoor escape with both arms under when they counter elbow escape

    • Escape hips back when they lean into the elbow escape

    • Elbow escape from the mount

  • 16

    Lesson 15 - Rear Take down / Bump and Roll Variations

    • Rear Takedown

    • Bump and roll

    • Bump with second hand under

    • Bump to elbow escape

  • 17

    Lesson 16 - Double leg / Back Defense

    • Jab To Double Leg

    • X Defense no hands

    • X Defense with arm

    • Collar choke and rear naked defense falling to the side

  • 18

    Lesson 17- Stand up in base / Passing the guard for self defense

    • Stand up in Base with person in front

    • Stand up and windmill Pass

    • Mount from knee on stomach - strike - take the back

    • Punch block from the guard